Blog January 7, 2016 How to remove an Office 365 domain using PowerShell In this blog, we share our experience in addressing the error on removing Office 365 domain for admin community. #Office 365
Blog January 5, 2016 GingerEx for Office 365 Version JiJi Technologies today announced the general availability of GingerEx Office 365 v1.0.0.3. #News
Blog December 19, 2015 Copy/Move Emails between Office 365 mailboxes using PowerShell In an enterprise, often there is a requirement for admins to copy the emails from one user mailbox to another, depending on cases like when new member is added to a pr... #Office 365
Blog December 14, 2015 GingerEx Office 365 Reports v1.0.0.2 Release JiJi Technologies today announced the general availability of GingerEx Office 365 Reports v1.0.0.2. #News
Blog December 14, 2015 GingerEx Office 365 Admin v1.0.0.2 Release JiJi Technologies today announced the general availability of GingerEx Office 365 Admin v1.0.0.2. #News
Blog December 12, 2015 How to get the storage used by Office 365 groups in SharePoint online? When a new Office 365 Group is created, it also creates an accompanying file store. The files uploaded to the Office 365 Group' file store are actually stored in an co... #Office 365
Blog December 10, 2015 How to set Custom Password for Office 365 User? As admin of an Office 365 for business organization, you can reset passwords for users who've forgotten their passwords. As we all aware that admins can reset the pass... #Office 365
Blog December 8, 2015 Cleanup your Office 365 Inbox using Sweep and Retention Tags The Sweep feature is available for Office365 mailbox users in their portal. Using simple set of Sweep rules, users can delete or archive all email messages... #Office 365
Blog November 27, 2015 Change SharePoint Online Site Mailbox Primary email Site Mailbox in SharePoint Online is a mail-enabled document library, which is a central email and document sharing account that is accessed from a SharePoint site. #Office 365
Blog November 14, 2015 JiJi Password Reset Suite v6.2.0.2 Release JiJi Technologies today announced the general availability of JiJi Password Reset Suite v6.2.0.2. #News
Blog November 2, 2015 How to Bypass Office 365 Clutter using a Transport Rule? Even though Clutter is an email filtering option available to Office 365 mailboxes, by default it may filter high priority emails, so it must be prevented from filteri... #Office 365
Blog October 31, 2015 How to block send / receive emails using dynamic distribution group and ETR? There are requirements across industry to block the external message flow(both send and receive) to particular set of users alone. #Office 365