Stream video recordings in Outlook

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Microsoft 365 is introducing the ability to record and insert Stream video recordings in Outlook on the web and the new Outlook for Windows. You’ll be able to record a video message, capture your screen, or both, directly from Microsoft Outlook.

Recording and sending videos in emails is a great way to convey a message that is difficult to express in writing. These recordings would be highly supportive for the Business conversations, demos and reviews.

How do I record ?

Recording a video or screen is as simple as attaching a document to the mail you are composing.

Tap the Camera Icon Record the video or screen Send the mail

Let’s see how it is done in detail.

Step 1 : When you are composing a mail, click on Camera Icon to start recording.

Step 2 : Choose the recording options

Here, you can choose to have the below options as highlighted in the screenshot.

Post choosing the options, click ‘Start screen recording’.

Step 3a : If the Screen is enabled,

Step 3b : If the Screen is disabled, the Camera recording fills the entire space. In this case, you get options to customize the background and additional effects by clicking the below highlighted options.

Step 3c : If both Camera and Screen are disabled, you could even make a video with only audio.

Click ‘Start recording’.

Step 4 : Review the recorded video

Post recording, you can review the clips, and you have the below options

Step 5 : Choose ‘Next’ icon  

The recorded video gets added to the composing email in Microsoft Outlook.

The video gets saved in the user’s OneDrive Location My files > Recordings > Video Clips.

Post-processing of the recorded video

Once the video is appended to the mail, you have the below highlighted options to process the video further.

  1. A link to the video stored in Microsoft OneDrive. When you click on it, the video opens in the Stream app.
  2. Share the recorded video with other users.
  3. Check the info About video where you can edit the title and description.
  4. Update comments.
  5. Check on the Video settings.

How does the receiver view the recorded video?

Internal User

When the mail with recorded video is received by an internal user,

External User

When the mail with recorded video is received by an external user - they get the original link of the video (OneDrive Location). When you click on the link, the video gets opened in the Microsoft Stream app.

Policy that drives the recording capability

This feature is enabled by default. Hence all enterprise users can use this new feature. However, using a cloud policy(Cloud Policy service for Microsoft 365), admins can limit who can use the feature or disable it.

This is how you do it.

  1. Login to the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center as an admin
  2. Create a policy under Customization -> Policy Management
  3. You can choose the scope to restrict all users / certain group(s)
  4. Select the Policy ‘Record a Stream video within supported Microsoft 365 apps”
  5. Choose ‘Disabled’
  6. Apply and Create the Policy.


  1. This policy applies to both Microsoft Outlook and Loop apps. So, disabling it, restrains the recording capability in both these apps.
  2. However, this policy does not control the recording capability in the below apps.
    • Outlook for Android
    • Microsoft Stream

Key Notables

Limits on the recorded videos

Maximum Duration Outlook / Loop Stream or Microsoft Clipchamp
5 minutes No limit
# of Recorded videos that can be embedded Outlook for Android / Loop Other versions of Outlook
No limit in a Loop page or an email message Existing limit of five Loop components per email message applies

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